End of Season, Knox Championship Day and Presentation Night

As we come to the end of the season, well done to all of the Wantirna athletes that have competed this season, at our weekly comps, open days, Regionals and at State Camps. It was great to see a number of Wantirna Athletes make it through to State Champs and represent Knox.

Knox Championship Day

This Saturday, 2 April, is the Knox Championship Day and for those that registered, good luck. This is the last track and field event for the season and marks then end of what has been a great season and and interesting one still dealing with covid issues.
The timetable of events and the duty roster will be out in a day or so. Knox will post this directly on the Knox LAC website and Facebook.

Presentation Night and AGM.

A reminder to all families that Sunday 3rd is our presentation night and AGM. It is an important night and sets the club up for the future.

Location: St. Luke’s Primary School Stokes Rd, Wantirna.
Time: 5pm – 7:30pm

The agenda for the evening will be:

5:15pm:  Annual General Meeting
5:45pm: Dinner
6:15: Presentations and trophies.

The Club will provide dinner (pizzas) drinks and desserts.  A $15 contribution per family on the night would be appreciated if possible.  Bank deposit details will be available on the night if this is your preferred option.

The committee also asks that you consider assisting the club next season as either a Chief Official or a committee member.  Chief Officials are a really important role and one that every club must provide each week (events rotate next year…stay tuned for our allocation!). Full training and uniform are provided and this counts as your duty.  Ideally we would have enough Chief Officials that each family would only need to do it every 3-4 weeks.  Please help us out!

If you haven’t already done so please RSVP your attendance and dietary requirements to Leanne Hawke (tamira05@bigpond.net.au or 0418 477 002) by Tuesday 29th March 2022.
We look forward to seeing all athletes and families there!

See you at the track

David Kearsley | Wantirna President

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2021/22 Summer Track and Field Season Underway

Wantirna LAC started its summer track and field competition at Knox Little Athletics Centre on Saturday 6 November 2021.

It was great to see many returning athletes to the club and some new athletes joining. We also had a number of athletes trying athletics for the first time. If you were a trialing athlete we hope you enjoyed your experience and you are back for your second trial and that you join our club.

Photos of our athletes competing can be found on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/wantirnalac

Are you in our local schools?

If you live in Wantirna and its surrounds and attend the following schools you are welcome to join our club and try athletics. Athletics is a great foundation sport that teaches run, jump, and throw skills.

These Schools are affiliated with Wantirna Little Athletics Club: Regency Park PS, St Luke’s PS, Wantirna PS, The Knox School, Templeton PS

Wantirna LAC is affiliated with Knox Little Athletics Centre which run a full athletic program for age groups between U6 to U16. This includes coaching for events and the On Track Program for our U6 and U7 age groups that teaches fundamental skills.

If you are still thinking about little athletics, it’s not too late to join up and registrations are open. You can register directly for little athletics via the LAVic registration portal. Click on the link below, choose Knox as your centre and Wantirna as your club.

LAVic registration portal – https://memberdesq.sportstg.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=login&OrgID=1370

See you at the track for week 2 on 13 November 2021

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Athletics to Start this Saturday 6 November 2021

Knox Little Athletics Centre has confirmed a start date of 6th November for Little Athletics.

If you need to register you must do so by Midnight Thursday Night to ensure that patches can be printed and be ready for Saturday.

If you need to register you can do here https://memberdesq.sportstg.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=login&OrgID=1370

If you are new to athletics you can register for two week trial with Little Aths Victoria. You can click on this link to register as a trialing athlete https://lavic.com.au/membership/new-member/

The Wantirna LAC will be setup in the grandstand. Please come to the club table and collect your patch on Saturday morning before sending your child to events.

Events will start at 8.30am. Please arrive early. Families that are on duty will be advised shortly. If you are on duty please arrive before 8.15am to sign in for duty at the duty table.

Covid protocols will be in place and you must sign in with the QR codes at the gate when you arrive. Entry to the venue is via the gate at the grandstand end (southern end).

See you all the track.

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Summer Track and Field Is Starting Soon – Register Now!

The season is proposed to start on 6 November 2021.

With the restrictions hopefully easing from October 26, the season is now proposed to start on November 6.

The Knox LAC Committee has confirmed the season season calendar for the season.

Key dates:
October 26 – Monday and Wednesday training session due to start
November 6 – Week 1 – Program A and Opening Ceremony
You can download the full season calendar from the Knox LAC website here

Registration – New Members Welcome

If you are a current family you will have received an email from LAVic inviting you to renew your membership. Please follow the instructions in the email. Please register early for season and don’t leave it to the last minute.

New Families and Athletes

If you are new to our club and athletics then you can do two things. You can register with LAVic and trial Little Aths for two weeks, or if you know you want to commit to the season you can complete the full registration via the LAVic web site.

To access the registration portal click on the link below


Go to the portal using the link above, click on new member, choose Knox as your centre and then choose Wantirna as your club. You can then follow the prompts.

Proof of age will need to be provided at the first meet you attend. The Centre will have a registration table set up that you can seek further information on registration at the the Try Out days in September.

Please note all registration fees are paid online via the portal. We do not collect registration fees in person at the track.

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2021-22 Summer Track and Field Season Launch

With the 2021-22 season almost upon us Wantirna LAC is please to announce that the season is now proposed start on 6 November 2021.

With the restrictions hopefully easing from October 26, we are please to announce that our season is now proposed to start on November 6. This will be dependent on Covid restrictions in place.

The Knox Committee has set the following preliminary dates for the start of season:

August 14 – 2021 -22 Season Registration Portal Opens
October 26 – Monday and Wednesday training session due to start
November 6 – Week 1 – Program A and Opening Ceremony


If you are a current family you will have received an email from LAVic inviting you to renew your membership. Please follow the instructions in the email. Please register early for season and don’t leave it to the last minute.

New Families and Athletes

If you are new to our club and athletics then you can do two things. You can register with LAVic and trial Little Aths for two weeks, or if you know you want to commit to the season you can complete the full registration via the LAVic web site.

To access the registration portal click on the link below


Go to the portal using the link above, click on new member, choose Knox as your centre and then choose Wantirna as your club. You can then follow the prompts.

Proof of age will need to be provided at the first meet you attend. The Centre will have a registration table set up that you can seek further information on registration at the the Try Out days in September.

Please note all registration fees are paid online via the portal. We do not collect registration fees in person at the track.

New registered members receive a discount on club uniform singlet, which is purchased directly through the club.

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Wantirna LAC Athlete Kyle Swan to compete at Olympics in Mens 20Km Race Walk

Kyle Swan, former Wantirna LAC Athlete is competing today at 2020 Olympics Tokyo in Mens 20Km walk.

If you want to watch or the race starts at 4.30pm Tokyo time (5.30pm Melbourne time)

About Kyle

As a junior Kyle Swan was a regular on the national team, representing Australian on an impressive four occasions as a teenager.

Growing up in the Melbourne suburb of Wantirna, Kyle Swan first started in athletics aged six years.

“My brother had started Little Athletics a few years prior, so I figured that if I had to go and watch for hours, I may as well join in myself! I found I had an affinity for the longer distance events (the 800m walk was the longest on offer at that age) and soon started training with my first coach Fran Attard”.

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA – MARCH 16: Kyle Swan of Victoria competes in the Men 10000 Metre Race Walk Under 20 during day three of the Australian Junior Athletics Championships at Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Centre on March 16, 2018 in Sydney, Australia. (Photo by Mark Kolbe/Getty Images)

He made his junior international debut aged 16 at the 2015 World Youth (U18) Championships. His last two performances as a teenager in 2018, were of the highest quality. In the junior event at the World Race Walking Cup in China, he was the first Aussie across the line in 10th place and helped Australia to bronze in the team event. Two months later he travelled to Finland to compete in the World U20 Championships where he placed an outstanding sixth 41:24.12. (https://www.olympics.com.au/olympians/kyle-swan)

The club committee and all our members wish Kyle the best for the race today.

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From the President – Announcing the Committee for Season 2021-22 and AGM summary

Wantirna LAC held its 202-21 season AGM on the 2 May 2021. Since Covid restrictions, this was the first time that the club was able to meet face to face and have an AGM and an awards presentation night.

I am pleased to announce the following members were elected onto the committee for the upcoming 2020-21 season.

President – David Kearsley (Returning)

Secretary – Leanne Hawke (Returning)

Treasurer – Danni Loh (New)

Team Manager – Janine Kearsley (Returning)

General Committee – Liam Mathews (Returning) and Sheran Hettiarachchi (New)

I thank those members for nominating for their roles.  A new member to the committee for this season is Danni Loh. Danni replaces John Park as Treasurer, and the committee thanks John for his service to the club. John spent many an hour digitising our financial records and this will help Danni in the role as treasurer. Most of our families will know Danni and how well she runs the duty roster so that club is good hands with Danni as Treasurer.

I would also like to welcome Sherrin onto the committee as a General Committee member. It is great to see families support the club and join the committee. The returning committee members look forward to working with Sherrin and Danni this upcoming season.

Congratulations to all our athletes for a wonderful season in 2020-21, albeit with a covid effected season it great to see all of Wantirna Athletes do well. We had many award recipients at the presentation, and a number of records presented to athletes as well. Well done to Alyssa and James as our best athletes.

Unfortunately with a number of families not attending on Sunday, it meant that we were not able to vote on some constitution changes that need to be made on our PB and awards system. These changes are important and will mean that we fall in line with other clubs at the centre and Knox LAC itself. It also means that the results system used at Knox will work out the PB’s and awards for us which will make the role of team manager easier to do. As such, we will likely need to have an online special general meeting closer to the start of the season to vote on these changes. I hope you all support the process as its an important change for us at the club and modernises the way we do things.

I would like to thank Cr Marcia Timmers-Leitch, Collier Ward Councillor for attending our AGM and staying with is for the presentations afterwards. It is encouraging to have her support of local sporting clubs such as ours.

Speaking of support, I would also like to thank Obrien Real Estate for their support during the past season and hopefully we can continue that support into season 2021-22.

I look forward to working with everyone over the next year as our club goes from strength to strength as we move towards Season 2021-22

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy – See you at the track.

David Kearsley | President

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Reminder – Wantirna LAC AGM and Presentation Night

This is a reminder to all our Wantirna LAC families that we will be concluding our AGM and Presentation Night on Sunday 2 May 2021.

St Luke’s Primary School Gymnasium
25 Stokes Rd, Wantirna.
Sunday May 2nd 2021. 6pm – 8pm.
Pizza, dessert and drinks will be provided. A $10 contribution per family is respectfully requested.

If you have not yet advised of any dietary requirements or RSVP’d please do so ASAP.

All families are requested to attend the AGM which will be held before the dinner and presentations. There are some important changes to the constitution that need to be voted on and electing the committee for 2021/22 season.

I hope to see you there.

David Kearsley
Wantirna LAC President

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Notice Wantirna LAC Annual General Meeting and Presentation Night 2021

We will be concluding our very successful 2020/21 Little Athletics season on Sunday 2nd May 2021 with our AGM and Presentation Night.

St Luke’s Primary School Gymnasium. 25 Stokes Rd, Wantirna.
Sunday May 2nd 2021. 6pm – 8pm.
Pizza, dessert and drinks will be provided. A $10 contribution per family is respectfully requested.
Please advise any dietary requirements and RSVP by 25th April 2021.

All families are requested to attend the AGM which will be held before the dinner and presentations.

As always, we will be seeking nominations to join the committee as all positions are spilled. We ask all families to consider nominating for a committee position. The committee is a great way to be involved and shape the season ahead. We cannot enter the 2021/22 season as a club if we don’t have a full committee.

Similarly, we require more parents to volunteer as Chief Officials. Full training and uniform is provided and it counts as your duty. If we have more C.O’s you will only need to do duty every three weeks across the season.

The current committee are submitting a change to the Constitution for vote at the AGM. I have included a summary of the proposed changes (as well as the constitution and Appendices A, B and C).

Please do not hesitate to contact me or one of the committee members if you have any questions or comments.

David Kearsley
Wantirna LAC President

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EMR Carnival This Weekend – 27 and 28 February 2021

Good luck to our Wantirna Athletes that are competing at the rescheduled EMR carnival this weekend.

If you are competing at EMR this weekend please remember to wear your Knox top and ensure you have your Coles badge on your top and name patch with a Commonwealth Bank sticker on it. Updated EMR information is available from the Knox LAC website.

If you are in the U6 – U8 age groups or you didn’t enter EMR then you have the weekend off. There is no normal competition this weekend. We are all back at Knox for normal comp (Program C) on 6th March.

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