Wantirna LAC recently held its 2022-23 season AGM and awards night.
I am pleased to announce the following members were elected onto the committee for the upcoming 2023-24 season.
President – David Kearsley (Returning)
Secretary – Anni Carnell (New)
Treasurer – Kirsty McKaay (New)
Team Manager – Janine Kearsley (Returning)
I would like to welcome both Anni and Kirsty on to the committee. It is great to see families support the club and join the committee. The returning committee members look forward to working with Anni and Kristy this upcoming season.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank out outgoing committee members Danni Loh and Leanne Hawke. A very special thank you to Leanne for her many years on the committee as our club secretary. And to Danni a big thank you for your commitment to be a treasurer event though Alexis has not competed much this season. The committee wishes you both all the best.
Congratulations to all our athletes for a fantasitc season in 2022-23. We had many award recipients at the presentation night, and a number of records presented to athletes as well.
I would also like to thank O’brien Real Estate for their continued support during the past season and hopefully we can continue that support into season 2023-24.
I look forward to working with everyone over the next year as our club goes from strength to strength.
Stay Safe, Stay Healthy – See you at the track.
David Kearsley | President