Welcome to the new season and welcome to our new and returning families.
It has been interesting start to the season. Given the early start, it has been a bit wet and cold, but as we head into October the weather will improve and hopefully feel more like summer athletics.
While the last few seasons have been Covid effected and we have had late starts in November due to lockdowns and resctictions, this season the Centre decided to start early due to the proposed track up grades. This will allow our athletes to complete most of the season at Knox before the track works begin. We are waiting for further information from the Knox LAC Executive Committee on the proposed works and this will be conveyed to families once council finalises the works and provides an update on timings to the Centre.
A couple of things for October.
Relay season starts. If you are interested please see the Knox LAC website for information on relays. This is great part of the season and Knox has a strong history of competing at relays.
You can get more information here: http://klac23.org.au/wordpress/?p=13426
Please contact the appropriate age group coach listed on the Knox Relay Flyer.
Relay training will start over the next week or so as coaches plan their training schedules.
Registration is now open for the State Combined Event on the 12 and 13 November 2022 – You can get more information on State Combined at the LAVic Website here: https://lavic.com.au/event/22-23-state-combined-events-championships/
Please note: Some age groups have already reached their capacity.
If you are looking for the upcoming competition program you can visit the Knox LAC Calendar here: http://klac23.org.au/wordpress/?page_id=23
Some Competition Reminders.
Just a reminder to all athletes. The Wantirna singlet must be worn when competing at Knox weekly competition. Your name patch must also be worn. If you do forget your patch (or you have lost it) you can get a new one from the Registrar for a gold coin donation.
Parents, please stay out of the competition areas. If you are a parent of U6 and U7 you are welcome to escort your child to events, but please move away from the event while the children are competing. This is important if you are at Mini Olympics area of the track. This helps our chiefs and also maintains your safety. If the chief asks for assistance you are more than welcome to assist.
If you are on duty, please arrive early to sign in. If you arrive early you will get the better duties, and it also assists the chiefs in setting up and makes the day run much more smoothly. Just remember that this season is a rotation of events for clubs, so people are still learning and getting used to events. Keep an eye out for the duty requirements from our Duty Coordinator. If you have specific dates you cant do duty (such as holidays etc) please let our duty roster coordinator know.
Final Words
Most of all we want the athletes to have fun and enjoy themselves competing at Knox. As summer approaches please ensure hats and sunscreen are worn, and your children drink plenty of water.
I hope you all have enjoyed the start of the season, and there still plenty of the season left to invite friends and family to come and try athletics and join Wantirna.
Stay Healthy, Stay Safe and see you at the track.
David Kearsley
Wantirna LAC President