The season is proposed to start on 6 November 2021.
With the restrictions hopefully easing from October 26, the season is now proposed to start on November 6.
The Knox LAC Committee has confirmed the season season calendar for the season.
Key dates:
October 26 – Monday and Wednesday training session due to start
November 6 – Week 1 – Program A and Opening Ceremony
You can download the full season calendar from the Knox LAC website here
Registration – New Members Welcome
If you are a current family you will have received an email from LAVic inviting you to renew your membership. Please follow the instructions in the email. Please register early for season and don’t leave it to the last minute.
New Families and Athletes
If you are new to our club and athletics then you can do two things. You can register with LAVic and trial Little Aths for two weeks, or if you know you want to commit to the season you can complete the full registration via the LAVic web site.
To access the registration portal click on the link below
Go to the portal using the link above, click on new member, choose Knox as your centre and then choose Wantirna as your club. You can then follow the prompts.
Proof of age will need to be provided at the first meet you attend. The Centre will have a registration table set up that you can seek further information on registration at the the Try Out days in September.
Please note all registration fees are paid online via the portal. We do not collect registration fees in person at the track.